Turn Down the Volume on Negative Self Talk During Challenging Times Appears on Thrive Global!

Almost two years ago, inspired by a comment that Thrive Global’s Arianna Huffington made about the “obnoxious roommate” we have in our heads, I wrote an article that was posted here on Thrive GlobalTurn Down the Volume on Negative Self Talk: Tips (and a Playlist!)

With the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been so many ups and downs. Some days, it feels more down than up. I am finding that some of my clients, executive search candidates, and students are engaging in negative self-talk now more than ever.

I will be honest: yesterday was particularly challenging for me. After a good cry and screaming into a pillow (yep, it was that bad), I found it helpful to revisit the article and remind myself that I can lower the volume of my critical inner voice and return to a more positive outlook through songs that make me feel good. While this pandemic has created so many hurts, we need to look at what we still have. Love. Family. Friendship. Laughter. Hope. And, yes, music.

Here is the article. My sincere wish is that it inspires you to find the music that will lift your spirits!

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